Regular and By-Research Program Course Syllabus


  1. Labor Economics
    This course discusses the basic concepts of labor economics, determinants of determining labor supply, supply and demand for labor, basic concepts of labor demand curves and determinants, sectoral employment elasticity and opportunities, employment opportunities according to education and employment relationship status, basic workforce planning, workforce needs and supply, workforce education and training planning, job market and unemployment, policies to overcome unemployment, wage theories and systems, trade unions and employers’ organizations, macro and micro regulation of labor rights and obligations and human capital theory and calculations.
  1. Environmental Geology
    This course explains the interior of the earth, starting from the structure of the layers, the materials that make up the earth’s crust, the dynamics of the earth’s crust plates, endogenous and exogenous processes, the formation of various types of economically valuable minerals, and the history of development. Apart from that, this lecture also discusses the use of geological resources to meet human needs and maintain environmental sustainability so as not to cause disasters for humans.
  1. Applied Climatology and Meteorology | Module Handbook
    This course provides basic knowledge about: meteorology, climatology and ecosphere, climate change, especially the role of pollutants in the atmosphere and the role and effects of land surfaces and the influence of development on climate, including the influence of urban areas and pollution on climate elements. Apart from that, this course studies the atmosphere (composition, layers, properties), the earth-atmosphere system (radiation balance and energy balance), weather elements (radiation, air temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind, rainfall), climate classification (Mohr, Thornthwaite-Matter, Schimdt-Fergusson, Koppen, Oldeman), climate maps and synoptic maps, climate applications in life (agriculture, health, cities, climate anomalies, weather modification).
  1. Method of Geography Research
    This course explains the limitations and concepts of geographic research methods, selection of geographic research methods, sampling method framework, data processing and analysis, preparation of geographic research proposals, research processes and principles of data collection, sampling, preparation of questionnaires, conducting interviews, analysis data, principles of qualitative-quantitative methods, and research ethics.
  1. Representation of Spatial Data (KPJ&SIG) | Module Handbook
    This course discusses the concept of remote sensing and the position of remote sensing in Geography, remote sensing systems and spectral bands, the scope and definition of remote sensing, forms of data presentation, design of symbols on thematic maps, qualitative and quantitative thematic maps, visualization of composite images, and visual interpretation, image classification and spectral transformation, converting inferences graphically as well as maps and trends visualization of complete insert maps.
  1. Population Study | Module Handbook
    The population studies course explains the scope and meaning of population studies, sources of population data, population theories, population growth, population composition, several basic measures and techniques for demographic analysis, fertility, mortality, population mobility and population projections, as well as changes and their causes. -causes of change, population characteristics and non-demographic factors.
  1. Theory and Concept of Geography
    This course explains the concepts and definitions of Geography, the development of the Geography paradigm; the relationship between geographic science and other sciences in the context of earth science, and applied geographic science; material objects of Geography studies, geographic approaches include spatial approaches, environmental approaches and regional complexes; understanding of geographic analysis units, analysis and operational techniques (applied research) in geography, regional development, cartography and remote sensing.
  1. Employment Economics | Module Handbook
    This course explains environmental economic concepts and theories; environmental problems related to production and consumption processes in utilizing existing resources in the environment, development of environmental economics, environmental economic valuation of the results of the use of natural resources and the environment, environmental regulations, techniques for assessing the impact of development on the environment and measurement of environmental control instruments and economic control policies environment.
  1. Fluvial and Volcanic Geomorphology
    This course explains an introduction to fluvial geomorphology, Indonesian volcanic landscapes, volcanoes: (threats, data sources and impacts on human life), volcanic and fluvial landscape ecology, dynamics of fluvial processes, applied fluvial volcanoes, genesis and dynamics of volcanoes, resource potential volcanic landscapes, hazard zoning and spatial layout of volcanic landscapes, empirical volcanic eruptions, and volcanic threats (primary and secondary)
  1. Coastal Geomorphology
    This course explains coastal geology, meteorology, oceanography, coastal engineering, and parts of coastal biology. Apart from that, this course also explains areas affected by large bodies of water, including seas and oceans, or large lakes. Apart from that, it also explains the processes and landforms found in the transitional area between land and sea, excluding landforms at the depths of the seabed.
  1. Disaster Management | Module Handbook
    This course explains the basic concepts of disaster, disaster management in various perspectives, disaster paradigms, the relationship between development, environment and disaster, disaster management policies, stages of disaster management, basic strategies for disaster risk reduction, special strategies for disaster risk reduction, community-based disaster risk reduction, reduction risks for groups with special needs (gender, children, elderly, disabled, etc.), disaster risk analysis, planning and management of disaster risk reduction (disaster mitigation), analysis of the role of various actors in disaster management and analyzing disaster management cases or programs in Indonesia.
  1. Population Mobility and Globalization
    This course explains the concept and theory of population mobility; definition and typology of population mobility; population mobility patterns and behavior; fFactors that influence population mobility (SDA, HR, and SDE); development and population mobility; international migration. Apart from that, this lecture also explains theoretical approaches to globalization, globalization in the political, economic and cultural dimensions of the globalization process, factors that influence the development of globalization, and analyzes various phenomena related to globalization and its influence in developing countries, including Indonesia.
  1. Development of Human Resources
    This course explains the concept of human resource development theory and the scope of its study; development of the human resource development paradigm; human capital theory: humans as capital in development; basic human needs and KFM; measuring population quality; human resource development and its aspects; quality of human resource health; employment and wage systems; and human resource development policies in economic globalization.
  1. Coastal and Marine Management
    This course explains the concepts and definitions of management, utilization and development of coastal and marine areas in an integrated and sustainable manner, coastal landforms, coastal processes and energy (waves, wind, tides), coastal dynamics, coastal resources and disasters, and coastal dynamic modeling. zoning for management of coastal and marine areas, analyzing the concept of control rights over coastal waters and small islands and analyzing sediment transport in coastal and small island waters.
  1. Settlements and the Dynamics of Land Use | Module Handbook
    This course explains the concept and definition of settlements and dynamics of land use, the meaning of houses and settlements, classification of settlements, organization of settlement data, slum settlements, rural land use and rural settlements, urban land use and urban settlements, urban village problems related to settlements and land, interrelationships people, land and settlements as well as rural and urban land planning.
  1. Evaluation of Land Resources
    This course explains the meaning and scope of land resource evaluation, the concept of land resource evaluation, land resource analysis (procedures and methods); land resource analysis (land capability classification; land suitability classification for agriculture and non-agriculture).
  1. Geo-economics and Regional Development | Module Handbook
    This course explains the theoretical and empirical perspective of the spatial (spatial) characteristics of individual and community activities working in a regional and city economic system, identifies the factors that play a role in regulating the ‘distribution of economic activities’ from a spatial perspective, and understands changes in distribution economic activities influence individual decisions, concepts, theories and problems of regional development, processes and products of regional development, basic essence and concepts of regional development, understanding and recognizing regional characteristics, understanding the main problems (issues) of regional development, as well as the basics and processes preparation of regional plans.
  1. Applied Geography (Statistics)
    This course provides knowledge, understanding, and application of the basic concepts of descriptive statistics and the role of parametrics for education and research, which includes a discussion of scales regarding descriptive statistics including: measurement, central tendency (mean, median, mode), data processing and presentation techniques (graphs). , diagram) and measures of variation (range, mean deviation, standard deviation and variance); As well as inferential statistics including: parametric and non-parametric statistical concepts, probability and distribution, standard normal distribution, tests of parametric statistical requirements (normality, homogeneity of variance, linearity, regression), test of difference between two means, correlation and determination test, simple one-way ANOVA , and data processing with a computer (SPSS).
  1. Applied Geohydrology | Module Handbook
    This course explains the importance of groundwater for life and environmental conservation, detailed explanations regarding aquifer parameters and groundwater flow, hydrostratigraphy, techniques and analysis of groundwater potential in an area, the relationship between groundwater and landforms, groundwater hydrogeochemistry, as well as applications for evaluating groundwater resources and the relationship between climate change and groundwater storage in a region. Apart from that, this course also explains the spatial distribution of groundwater and how to present it.
  1. Fieldwork Study
    This course provides lessons on how to recognize and understand landscape phenomena as well as measure, collect and analyze data both physical and social spatially, ecologically and in complex areas. KKL results are in the form of KKL reports which can be published in national and international journals/seminars.
  1. Agricultural Socio-Economy and Food Security |Module Handbook
    This course explains the meaning and scope of agricultural economics, the relationship between economics and agriculture; agricultural resources; agricultural institutions; supply and demand for agricultural commodities; production and costs; income; sales and marketing of agricultural commodities; as well as agricultural policy and development and food security issues, food security issues, food safety issues, processing, distribution up to consumption; both physically, chemically and biologically.
  1. City and Urbanization Studies | Module Handbook
    This course explains the concept, definition and scope of city and urbanization studies, urban and rural problems, the role of technology to overcome urbanization problems in urban and rural areas.
  1. Geography of Soil | Module Handbook
    This course explains the meaning of soil and pedogenesis, understanding the physical, chemical, biological and micromorphological properties of soil and soil classification systems and soil mapping.
  1. Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology
    This course explains the basic understanding of karst geomorphology, karstification factors, karst classification, cvijik classification, gvozdeckij classification, sweetin classification, other types of karst, dolines, doline shapes, doline genetics, compound dolines, doline morphometry, polje and micro morphology. Apart from that, this course also explains karst aquifers, the main differences between karst and non-karst aquifers, karst aquifer hydrological systems, karst groundwater levels, flow laws in karst aquifers, water balance in karst aquifers, hydrological surveys in karst, survey and exploration techniques, techniques karst groundwater tracking, karst spring analysis, karst spring hydrograph, and karst spring chemograph analysis.
  1. Applied Geohydrology | Module Handbook
    This course discusses advanced concepts of meteorology and climatology related to hydrology, measurement of hydro-meteorological parameters and several analytical techniques related to hydrometeorology.
  1. Industry and Commerce
    This course discusses; the important position of industry in regional development as demonstrated by examples of the diversity of industrial development journeys and experiences in developed and developing countries, concepts and theories of industrial and trade geography; theory of location of industry and commerce; dynamics of production factors; development of industry and trading systems.
  1. Spatial Modelling | Module Handbook
    This course explains the concept of GIS and its use, the concept of spatial modeling, analyzes the classification of spatial modeling, the process and benefits of GIS in spatial modeling.
  1. Management of Drainage Basin | Module Handbook
    This course explains the concept of watersheds (DAS) and coastal areas, an introduction to watershed and coastal management, identification of land use problems related to physical, social, economic and cultural aspects, sustainable development. techniques for watershed and coastal environmental assessment.
  1. Economic Management of Natural Resources and the Environment | Module Handbook
    This course explains the concept of natural resources and the environment, distribution of natural resources, classification and balance of natural resources, understanding the basic concept of conservation to preserve natural resources, the role of resources in economic development, economic theory for managing natural resources and the environment (allocation, distribution and economic welfare), natural resource accounting for sustainable development, economic activity and pollution, economic models of renewable natural resources (fisheries, forestry, water, land), natural resource valuation and policies in managing natural resources and the environment.
  1. Transportation Studies and Regional Connection Systems | Module Handbook
    This course explains the concepts and theories of transportation and regional connection systems, stages of development of transportation and regional connection systems, characteristics of transportation (land, air, sea and rail) and regional connections, network analysis and regional connections, spatial interactions and regional connections, basic transportation planning and regional connections as well as transportation relationships with spatial planning and regional connections.
  1. Thesis
    This course provides students with learning to conduct research on Physical Geography, Human Geography, MPPDAS and Regional Development independently under the guidance of a supervisor.