Master in Geography’s Curriculum

The MG curriculum offers two program streams: regular and by-research programs. The regular curriculum program includes a double degree option, while the by-research program (started from the 2022 intake) includes a fast track program. The double degree program is designed to be completed in two years, with one year at UGM and one year at partner universities, which starts in the 2023/2024 intake. On the other hand, the fast-track program is designed to be completed in 1.5 years. Students in the fast track program begin working on their undergraduate thesis in the first semester while simultaneously pursuing the fast-track program in their master’s degree. During the 2nd and 3rd semesters, they focus on their master’s thesis, research, and publication. The MG program offers two study concentrations, physical and human geography, and two study tracks, coastal and watershed management planning (MPPDAS) and regional development (MPW). The program’s curriculum consists of compulsory and elective courses. The graduation requirements differ between students enrolled in the regular program and those in the by-research program. For students in the regular program, a minimum of 44 credits (98 ECTS) is required to graduate, except for those in the MPPDAS track, who need a minimum of 40 credits (90 ECTS). Conversely, in the by-research program, the minimum number of credits for graduation is 40 credits (90 ECTS) (Table 1), except for students in the MPPDAS and MPW tracks, who require a minimum of 39 credits (88 ECTS).
Courses in the regular program consist of mandatory courses and elective courses. Compulsory courses are intended to fulfil graduate competencies in the realm of knowledge and understanding as well as the realm of intellectual ability. There are two types of compulsory courses, namely compulsory study program courses the regular and fast track curriculum in the Master of Geography program is designed to meet the competency achievements of graduates. Courses in the regular program consist of mandatory courses and elective courses. Compulsory courses are intended to fulfil graduate competencies in the realm of knowledge and understanding as well as the realm of intellectual ability. There are two types of compulsory courses, namely compulsory study program courses and compulsory interest/concentration courses. Compulsory courses in the study program must be taken by all students, but for compulsory interest/concentration courses, only students must take them according to their interest/concentration. Meanwhile, elective courses are intended to fulfil graduate competencies in the realm of practical skills and managerial abilities. Elective courses are taken according to your chosen interests and can be taken from other study programs or from interests either in study programs within UGM or from outside UGM which are considered equivalent. Meanwhile, all courses in the by research program are mandatory courses. The structure of regular and by-research courses can be seen in Table 1. The structure of regular and by-research courses can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Structure of courses for the regular and by-research programs

Regular ProgramBy-Research Program
Compulsory Courses2652Compulsory Courses6
(Method of Geography Research, Fieldwork Study, Geography Theory and Concept)
Elective Courses1020Elective Courses00
Research Seminar26
Field and Studio24
Results Seminars26
Thesis Exam26
Thesis Document1236

Table 2. The correlation between PLO and Courses of Regular Program of Master in Geography

  Learning Outcomes of Master in Geography
NoName of CoursesA. Managerial Skills and Attitude B. Knowledge and UnderstandingsC. Intellectual SkillsD. Practical Skills
1Theory and Concept of Geography
2Method of Geography Research
3Representation of Spatial Data (KPJ&SIG)
4Applied Geography (Statistics)
5Applied Climatology and Meteorology
6Population Study
7Geoeconomics and Regional Development
8Agricultural Socio-Economy and Food Security
9Environmental Geology
10Fluvial and Volcanic Geomorphology
11Coastal Geomorphology
12Disaster Management
13Management of Drainage Basin
14Economic Management of Natural Resources and the Environment
15Employment Economics
16Population Mobility and Globalization
17Development of Human Resources
18Geography of Soil
19Applied Geohydrology
20Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology
21Applied hydrometerology
22Spatial Modelling
23Settlements and the Dynamics of Land Use
24Transportation Studies and Regional Connection Systems
25Coastal and Marine Management
26Industry and Commerce
27Environmental Economics
28Evaluation of Land Resources
29City and Urbanization Studies
30Fieldwork Study

Figure 3. Curriculum Map of regular Program of Master in Geography

Semester 1, (Students enrolled in odd semester}
Semester 2, (Students enrolled in even semester}
Semester 1, (Students enrolled in odd semester}
Semester 2, (Students enrolled in even semester}
Semester 3 & 4
(Students enrolled in odd and even semester)
Spatial Modeling (D1)Industry and Commerce (C1)Thesis (C2,D2)
Agricultural Socio-Economy and Food Security (B2)Method of Geography Research (B2) Publication (C2,D2)
Applied Geography (Statistics) (B2,D2)Population Study (A2,B2)Legend
City and Urbanization Studies (C1)Fluvial and Volcanic Geomorphology (B1)Human Geography Based
City and Urbanization Studies (C1)Fluvial and Volcanic Geomorphology (B1)Human Geography Based
Geography of Soil (B1)Representation of Spatial Data (KPJ&SIG) (D1)Physical Geography Based
Economic Management of Natural Resources and the Environment (,A2,C1)Applied Climatology and Meteorology (B1)Geographic Information System Based
Geoeconomics and Regional Development (B2)Settlements and the Dynamics of Land Use (C1)Geography Based
Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology (B1)Employment Economics (A2,B2)Environmental And Disaster Based
Applied Geohydrology (B1)Coastal and Marine Management (A2, C1)
Transportation Studies and Regional Connection Systems (C1)Theory and Concept of Geography (B1)
Applied Hydrometeorology (B1)Environmental Geology (A2,B2)
Evaluation of Land Resources (C1)Development of Human Resources (A2,B2)
Fieldwork Study (,C2,D2)Management of Drainage Basin (C1)
Fieldwork Study (C2,D2)Management of Drainage Basin (C1)
Thesis* (C2,D2)Environmental Economics (A2,B2)
Population Mobility and Globalization (B2)
Disaster Management (A2,B2)
Coastal Geomorphology (B2)
*Course offered each semester for second students semester
**Requirements to Follow Judicium

Table 4. Curriculum By-Research Program of Master in Geography

By-Research Program
Method of Geography Research24
Theory and Concept of Geography24
Fieldwork Study24
Proposal Thesis26
Research Seminar26
Field and Studio24
Results Seminars26
Thesis Exam26
Thesis Document1236

Figure 5. The Correlation between PLO and Courses By-Research Program of Master in Geography

Name of CoursesLearning Outcomes of Master in Geography
Managerial Skills and AttitudeKnowledge and UnderstandingsIntellectual SkillsPractical Skills
Theory and Concept of Geography
Method of Geography Research
Fieldwork Study
Research Seminar
Field and Studio
Results Seminars
Thesis Exam
Thesis Document

Figure 6. Curriculum Map By-Research Program of Master in Geography

Curriculum Map By-Research Program of Master in Geography
Semester 1, (Students enrolled in odd semester)Semester 2, (Students enrolled in even semester}Semester 3 & 4
(Students enrolled in odd and even semester
Method of Geography Research (B2)Research Seminar (A2)Results Seminars
Fieldwork Study (C2,D2) Field and Studio (A2)Thesis Exam
Theory and Concept of GeographyPublicationPublication
Thesis Document